Automated Heat Stress System

Automated Heat Stress System

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Ships’ crew who are exposed to extreme heat or work in hot environments may be at risk of heat stress. Exposure to extreme heat can result in occupational illnesses and injuries. Heat stress can be prevented by monitoring the workplace area. This can be done by installing an Automated Heat Stress System.

The Automated Heat Stress System (AHSS) provides a continuous, on-line measurement of Dry Bulb (DB) Temperature, Wet Bulb (WB) Temperature, Globe Temperature (GT), and Relative Humidity (RH), values which are used to calculate the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index for Physiological Heat Exposure Limits (PHEL) stay times. The AHSS is a highly accurate environment monitoring system designed to detect the parameters needed for the WBGT index value of a specific location.

The AHSS is currently used in military applications for safety monitoring in hot and humid locations on US Navy ships, US Navy and Marine Corps bases, and more. While it’s presently used in military settings, the AHSS is versatile enough to be used anywhere with hot and humid conditions – factories, farm fields, parks, and others.